If you'd like a higher-end hardware setup that's optimized for expandability and speed (microSD cards are notoriously slow), see my [https://bit.ly/smol-guide-rpi4 smol guide].
You'll end up building something that looks like this:<br>[https://i.gyazo.com/f0eb138514580314976a21a68b8fc68c.jpg <img src="https://i.gyazo.com/f0eb138514580314976a21a68b8fc68c.jpg" width="350">]<br>
My [https://bit.ly/smol-guide-rpi4 smol guide] focuses on running Urbit, but the specified hardware config is also ideal for running a Ravencoin or Bitcoin node!
When you're done, it should all look like this:
[https://i.gyazo.com/8c02cd94d8012643c2ce2ec5dc5163f7.jpg <img src="https://i.gyazo.com/8c02cd94d8012643c2ce2ec5dc5163f7.jpg" width="800">]
== Setting up the Ravencoin node - The quick way ==