#::ravend & </pre>
#OPTIONAL: Ravend runs entirely in the background, so you cannot see what is happening. The process will create wallet and blockchain files in <code>~/.raven/</code>. Subsequently, it will start downloading the Ravencoin blockchain. This will take forever ('''Unfortunately, this may take over a weekdue to the cpu speed of the pi.''')! So, what we are going More advanced users may want to do is stop ''ravend'' after ~5 minutes. I made the chain available for download at Ravenland copy a pre-verified blockchain (Date: March 24th, 2019)i. This saves a lot of timee. However, if you rather go for maximum security skip this stepa bootstrap) from their PC and copy it to their Pi. #:Make sure to stop ravend first (<precode>#::raven-cli stop cd </code>) before moving all blockchain files to <code>~/.raven wget http://bootstrap.ravenland.org/blockchain.tar.gz tar -xvzf blockchain.tar.gz rm blockchain.tar.gz #deleting to save space </precode>.
#Additionally, we are going to make a configuration file to set up ravencoin optimally for the raspberry pi.