= Introduction =
This is not a complete list of all the pools. It's a few of the pools that should get you started. For a more complete list check the ANN on Bitcointalk, or spend some time on the discord chat, both linked on the [[community]] page.
There is also a list of pools maintained on the [https://github.com/underdarkskies/Pool_List Underdarkskies GitHub] - correct as of 2nd July 2018.
You can also find a list of Ravencoin pools on [https://miningpoolstats.stream/ravencoin Miningpoolstats.stream].
Small or Big pool does not matter, it will average out over time. Help the network by spreading the hash to a small or medium pool.
Check pool size here: [https://poolexplorer.com/coin/3340 PoolExplorer Pool list]
A good recommendation when choosing a pool is any pool not in the top 3 highest hashrate, but any other pool with at least around 0,5% of network hash rate so the pool will hit some blocks each day. Or if we want to help build up a tiny pool, go for an even smaller one.
Choosing a pool close to our miners can improve pool hashrate.
== Prefix Third-party links ==Nvidia prefix*[https://miningpoolstats.stream/ravencoin Miningpoolstats.stream]*[https: ccminer -a x16r//poolexplorer.com/coin/3340 PoolExplorer Pool list]*[https://ravencoin.network/pools Pools on Ravencoin explorer]
AMD prefix: sgminer -k x16r
= Global =
=== MinerMore ===
[https://minermore.com https://minermore.com] PPLNS, custom made pool. Operated by RVN community developer Traysi.
'''US:'''=== BSOD.PW === -o stratum+tcp[https://usbsod.rvn.minermore.com:4501 -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p x'''EU:''' -o stratum+tcp:pw/en/pool/dashboard/RVN/eu.rvn.minermoreBSOD.com:4501 PW] PROP24, SOLO, PARTY-u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p xPROP24'''Canada:''' -o stratum+tcp://ca.rvn.minermore.com:4501 -u <WALLET_ADDRESSREGION> -p x'''Texas:''' -o stratum+tcp://texas.usbsod.rvn.minermore.compw:4501 -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p x2640'''China / Hong KongAvailable regions:''' -o stratum+tcp://hk.minermore.com:4501 -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p x"eu", "us", "ru", "asia"
=== Coinblockers[https://medium.com ===/@bsodpool/how-to-mine-ravencoin-3463445fff1f Connection guide]
You can also mine Raven coin in [https://rvn.coinblockersmedium.com/getting_started @bsodpool/how-to-mine-solo-8a9910037c09 SOLO] and [https://rvn.coinblockersmedium.com/getting_started@bsodpool/party-mining-pool-bsod-pw-bd7a88a374ba PARTY] PPLNTmodes
Germany (EU) / London (EU) / Dallas (US) / Singapore (ASIA)
'''EU Stratum:'''=== MinerMore === -o stratum+tcp[https://rvn-euminermore.coinblockerscom/pool/RVN/ MinerMore] PPLNS, custom made pool.com:4449 -u yourwalletOperated by RVN community developer Traysi.yourname -p x,stats
'''US Stratum''' -o stratum+tcp://<REGION>.rvn-us.coinblockersminermore.com:4449 -u yourwallet.yourname -p x,stats4501
'''Asia StratumAvailable regions''' -o stratum+tcp://rvn-asia.coinblockers.com:4449 -u yourwallet.yourname -p x"us", "eu", "ca", "texas",stats"hk"
=== RavenMiner ===[https://ravenminerminermore.com https:/docs/help/ravencoin_fork/ravenminer.comConnection guide]
-o stratum+tcp://ravenminer.com:3366 -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> [-p <OPTIONS>]
-o stratum+tcp://eu.ravenminer.com:1111 -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> [-p <OPTIONS>]
=== Suprnova ===
[https://rvn.suprnova.cc https://rvn.suprnova.cc] PPLNS
[https://rvn.suprnova.cc https://rvn.suprnovaindex.ccphp?page=gettingstarted Connection guide] pplns
[https://rvn.suprnova.cc/index.php?page=gettingstarted https://rvn.suprnova.cc/index.php?page=gettingstarted]
Remember you need to make a user first and supply a password.
-o stratum+tcp://rvn.suprnova.cc:6667 -u Weblogin.Worker -p Worker password
=== Elitehash PPS Pools ===
[http://rvn.elitehash.net/ http://rvn.elitehash.net/]
'''EU Stratum=== 2miners.com ===[https:'''//2miners.com/rvn-mining-pool https://2miners.com/rvn-mining-pool]
-a x16r -o stratum+tcp://helsinkirvn.elitehash2miners.netcom:2 6060 stratum+tcp://<REGION>-u wallet.rigNameatlanta.elitehash2miners.netcom:26060
helsinki'''Available regions:''' "us", "asia", Europe is base region, no need to add anything extra.elitehashAdditional port 6161 for NiceHash.net:2
singapore[https://2miners.elitehash.net:2com/blog/how-to-mine-ravencoin/ Connection guide]
=== Coinfoundry WoolyPooly ===[https://coinfoundrywoolypooly.orgcom/pool/rvn httpsWoolyPooly.com] stratum+tcp://coinfoundryrvn.woolypooly.orgcom:55555 stratum+tcp:/pool/rvn].us.woolypooly.com:55555
Global operating pool with servers in US, EU and Asia (Singapore)Additional port 55556 for SOLO mining. Base region is Europe.
-a x16r -o stratum+tcp[https://rvnmedium.coinfoundry.org:3172 com/@Woolypooly_com/how-to-mine-raven-u <WALLET_ADDRESS> [rvn-p <OPTIONS>69a873a4f304 Connection guide]
=== BSOD ===
[https://bsod.pw/ https://bsod.pw/]
-a x16r -o stratum+tcp=== RavenMiner ===[https://euravenminer.bsod.pwcom https:2176 -u WALLET//ravenminer.rigcom] PPLNS, PPS
You can mine Raven coin SOLO and stratum+tcp://stratum.ravenminer.com:3838[https://mediumwww.ravenminer.com/@bsodpoolsite/party-mining-pool-bsod-pw-bd7a88a374ba PARTYkawpow Connection info]
-a x16r -o stratum+tcp://eu.bsod.pw:2176 -u WALLET.rig -p m=solo
-a x16r -o stratum+tcp://eu.bsod.pw:2176 -u WALLET.rig -p m=party.yourpassword
'''NOTE:''' You can use "us" for North America and "asia" for Asia instead of "eu" in your .bat file or config
BSOD offers a [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=kg.stark.bsod monitor app for Android]
=== Nanopool ===
[https://rvn.nanopool.org/ https://rvn.nanopool.org/] PPLNS payout scheme ( PPLNS timeframe is 6 hours )
-a x16r -o stratum+tcp://rvn-eu1<REGION>.nanopool.org:12222 -u WALLET.rig Asia - stratum+ssl://rvn-asia1.nanopool.org Australia - rvn-au1.nanopool.org Europe1- rvn-eu1.nanopool.org or Europe2 - rvn-eu2<REGION>.nanopool.org:12433
Japan '''Available regions:''' "eu1", "eu2", "us- rvneast1", "us-west1", "asia1", "jp1.nanopool.org", "au1"
US East - rvn-us-east1[https://help.nanopool.org or US West /category/10-raven- rvn-us-west1.nanopool.orgpool Connection info]
Stratum Port - 12222
= EU == K1Pool ===[https://k1pool.com/pool/rvn K1Pool.com]
=== Gos.cx === [https://gos.cx/site/GetCoin?ducat=2272 gos.cx rvn page] [https://gos.cx/ gos.cx] France -o stratum+tcp://stratum.gos.cx'''Available regions:3637 -u wallet''' "eu", "us", "cn".rigName -p c=RVN === 2miners.com === [httpsAdditional port://2miners.com/rvn-mining-pool https://2miners.com/rvn-mining-pool] EU7862 (HiDiff)
-o stratum+tcp[https://rvn.2minersk1pool.com:6060 -u WALLET.rigname -p c=RVN/pool/rvn#generateConfig Config generator]