'''Step 2:''' Download and install [https://sourceforge.net/projects/winpython/files/WinPython_3.6/ WinPython].
'''Step 3:''' Download the [https://github.com/traysi/ledger-app-btc/releases/download/1.255/app.hex Ledger app.hex file for Ravencoin]. Right click the file and choose to save. If you can't do that, download it, and rename it as app.hex (your PC might try to call it something like app.hex.txt)
Save the file to: <code>\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\WPy-3662\scripts</code> That folder was created by the WinPython installation that happened in the previous step. If it's not there, please find it on your system. If you installed a version other than the folder name will be slightly changed.