
From Ravencoin Wiki
Revision as of 02:29, 25 October 2018 by Mapple (talk | contribs)
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This page will help you create assets and send them on the Ravencoin blockchain. It assumes you have installed the Ravencoin software and synchronized the blockchain.

If you've not done the above and need a simple guide on how to get started, I'd recommend the Tron Black getting started article on Medium.

Creating Assets

  1. Open your Ravencoin Wallet
    1. Click on the Assets tab.
      1. Click the Create Asset button.
  1. Leave address blank (for advanced users)
  1. Choose a name for your asset (all uppercase) between 3 characters and 30 characters long - click Check Availability - if you get a green Valid Asset you are good to carry on.
  1. Enter a Quantity — any number between 1 and 21,000,000,000
  1. Set the Units to 0 (for indivisible), or 8 (very divisible), or somewhere in-between.
  1. Leave reissuable checked unless you’re sure of your other choices.
  1. Hit Create Asset and Check the confirmation details and if all is OK, click Yes and then OK.
  1. You'll now need to wait for it to be mined into a block - on average this should only take a minute or two.
  1. You can now go back to the Overview tab and wait for your asset to show up in your list of assets.

Sending Assets

  1. Select the Assets tab in the Ravencoin QT wallet
  1. Select the asset you want to send from the dropdown list of assets.
  1. Get the address you want to send your tokens to.
  1. Copy/paste the address into ‘Pay To:’
  1. Set the amount of the asset to send.
  1. Hit Send and Yes to the confirmation.