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1,397 bytes added ,  23:41, 29 March 2018
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==29 Mar 2018 - Telegram ==
Bruce Fenton:
The paper coming out next week will discuss in more detail. Main difference is that this is on the protocol level and uses the Bitcoin utxo for a platform and that Raven will allow messaging
Bruce Fenton:
There are no masternodes in Ravencoin
Bruce Fenton:
Pigeoncoin? It's great someone used the code
Bruce Fenton:
This project isn't related to tZero
Bruce Fenton:
The project is open source and independent of overstock chainstone and other supporters
Bruce Fenton:
You say it as if Patrick being a huge fan and supporter is somehow a bad thing?
Bruce Fenton:
Overstock is a great company - one of the best in the space. Them allowing employees to work on this on company time and investing into development is a great show of support
Bruce Fenton:
Raven is a fair launch with no premine and no fundraising - there is no issue with regulatory compliance. Ravencoin is definitely not a security
Bruce Fenton:
This isn't an ICO
Bruce Fenton:
There is no money to return
Bruce Fenton:
Well, sucks for the ICOs I guess
RVN unaffected. :)
Bruce Fenton:
I don't think tZeros ICO has a remote affect on this in any way -/
Bruce Fenton:
I think tons of platforms will use this -- hopefully tZero and many others
Bruce Fenton:
Thank you - it's an honor to be involved in this project.
==27 Mar 2018 - Telegram ==

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