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582 bytes added ,  11:12, 18 April 2018
conf file for ccminer
-i 20 , --intensity=N[,N] GPU threads per call 8-25 (2^N + F, default: 0=auto) Decimals and multiple values are allowed for fine tuning.
-d 0,1,2,3 , --devices gives a comma separated list of CUDA device IDs to operate on. Device IDs start counting from 0! Alternatively, give string names of your card like gtx780ti or gt640#2 (matching 2nd gt640 in the PC).
-c, --config=FILE load a JSON-format configuration file can be from an url with the http:// prefix
[ All the flags for ccminer/nevermore]
or in one line:
ccminer -a x16r -o stratum+tcp:// -u RBjAZ4fgoXfMC1ujzs7XKreMxJAL1r9fhT.titanV -p c=RVN,titanv -o stratum+tcp:// -u RBjAZ4fgoXfMC1ujzs7XKreMxJAL1r9fhT.titanV -p c=RVN,titanv -o stratum+tcp:// -u RBjAZ4fgoXfMC1ujzs7XKreMxJAL1r9fhT.titanV -p c=RVN,titanv -i 20 -N 600
or in a config file:
"_note": "Failover 2 pools",
"pools": [{
"name": "Panda",
"url": "stratum+tcp://",
"user": "RBjAZ4fgoXfMC1ujzs7XKreMxJAL1r9fhT",
"pass": "TeslaV100"
"name": "PickAxe",
"url": "stratum+tcp://",
"user": "RBjAZ4fgoXfMC1ujzs7XKreMxJAL1r9fhT",
"pass": "TeslaV100"
"algo": "x16r",
"intensity": "19",
"api-bind": "",
"api-remote": false

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