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45 bytes added ,  15:21, 17 April 2018
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-X 512 , Argument: one value or a comma (,) delimited list GPU Xintensity between 1 and 9999. Shader based intensity of GPU scanning. Overridden by rawintensity and overrides intensity. Thanks to wolf0 for update on flags to use. With Polaris cards a good start value is -X 256 -g 2 , if not using -g 2 try -X 1024.
-g 2 ,or --g 2 , set threads pr gpu, can give higher hashrate if your cpu can handle it. Keep it under 13 threads total, or sgminer might crash on boot.
-w 64 , Sets worksize to 64. Amount of work handled by GPUs per work request. Try higher value on older cards, 128 or 256.
-d 0,1,2,3 , Devices specify what cards to use.
--config failover.conf load a config file.

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