From Ravencoin Wiki
Revision as of 01:58, 27 February 2018 by Mapple (talk | contribs)
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When will RVN be on an exchange?

We don't know. The core development team is not looking at it, they're working on developing the technology. The general consensus amongst the community is that it would be better to wait until we have a least a better defined white paper discussing the roadmap for the coin before listing the coin. You can currently buy and sell via the trading channel in discord, or rotcex.com. There are trusted community members on discord that you can reach out to and ask to act as Escrow. As with everything crypto, it's your responsibility to look after your coins. It's well worth reading the safety guide

How can I mine Raven?

  1. Read the getting started article on virtopia.ca
  2. Download the wallet from github, install and get a receiving address
  3. Select a pool from the Pools list
  4. Download the GPU miner from github, unzip, and edit the batch file to include the pool you want to mine on and put your wallet address in the start up script....run the batch file.

What's the link for Discord?

Are there Masternodes?


When is the ICO?

There isn't going to be one.

Was it pre-mined?

No - it was announced on twitter

How come some people have 100,000's if it wasn't premined?

There were people that started when difficulty was well under 100 rather than where it is now. Some people rented hundreds of cloud CPU's to mine it before the GPU miner software was even developed for the community. Some have still have huge gpu rigs pointed at pools.

Can I mine with my CPU / CPU or GPU mining which is better?

Yes you can mine with your CPU however you're unlikely to earn many RavenCoin. The net hash is now pretty large so a single CPU isn't going to contribute much. Obviously, if you've got a lot of CPU's or high-end ones you many earn more. Generally, people are running GPU's in one of the Pools.

Which pool is best?

All the Pools are pretty good. As with most tech they all have issues from time to time. On average you'll get a larger share of fewer blocks with the smaller pools and a smaller share of more blocks with the larger pools. The pools can be compared here.