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17,991 bytes added ,  07:51, 11 November 2018
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|title=Ravencoin Wiki: Fenton Files
|keywords=Ravencoin Fenton files
|description=A page capturing some of the chat posts from Bruce Fenton and the core team developers on the community chat servers. Not comprehensive, but covers most of the more important discussions.
This page aims to capture some of the thoughts from [ Bruce Fenton] and some of the core devs about [ RavenCoin], it's purpose and future. It's not comprehensive, just some of the interesting comments spotted on the community chats.
Discord 1 refers to the original discord which has since been deleted by it's owner. Discord 2 refers to the 2nd discord that was set up by the community. Links on [[community]] page.
== 15 Mar 11 Nov 2018 - Telegram Discord 2 ==Bruce Fenton:Still working Economics of token creation - raven ends up being exactly the same issuance schedule as Bitcoin but with this perpetual drain on total supply in the form of whatever is burned. That-/ and the fact that it’s real 100% pow coins getting burned - that means RVN assets have sort of a neat double POW / a real asset (energy) has been burned to allow assets to exist  This gives them value. Not much, it’s tiny. But it does exist and that’s very different than other projects and very fascinating.   ==09 Nov 2018 - Discord 2 == Talking your own book is exactly ethical and legal— especially if disclosed. It’s one of the purest form of ethical interaction in commerce.Some had to not only risk public reputation to support this coin but also give miners over $ of my capital to get the coins we own. So a miner could have dumped on roadmap us and I’d be the one conned.Someone being well known or ostk backing some dev is also not relevant. Oprah or Andreas could mention this coin for five seconds and instantly have more influence than paper authors. If Greg Maxwell came and said something was a security risk, people would listen etc etc. that’s how a real open source project works. In a fair launch like this it’s almost impossible to have one party have the upper hand. That’s not marketing talk or something to pump ravens structure — that’s just the truth.Projects with a fair & best open launch are literally a gift to the users — anything created from those projects is created by fair work to the people. It’s absolutely incomparable to something that raised money. Nothing wrong with raising money by the way but it’s utterly and completely different from giving away something for free. It’s decentralized versus centralized. Permissioned versus free. It’s the very core of our industry. A foundational core of what open source / decentralized/ cypherpunk networks can be.  Now ravencoin may be stupid, a bad idea, it may fail, it may break, it may have unforeseen problems or it might just be outpaced by any of a dozen projects trying to do the same. All those are potentially valid debates. —- but there’s just no reasonable way to say this project wasn’t fair. It’s provable on the blockchain that this was the most widely participated in and fastest growing network in history. One may think raven is a weak project but it’s fairness is completely undeniable— if someone doesn’t believe that then they either don’t understand or believe in crypto or they don’t fully understand how this project works. By the way :: we need to spread that far and wide. People should understand that this is their project — anyone can build on it  All this work we’ve done:: it’s free! All the code, the network — all that’s been invested — it all belongs to communicate ideas all members of the community. Anyone can use it and info any one can benefit from this network.  Now for 500 RVN you can create a permanent asset backed by this absolutely massive amount of hashpower. That asset can do all kinds of cool stuff.  This is amazing. People don’t even see it yet. The structure is a key part. No leaders, no rulers, no centralized parties. That’s best practices. It’s harder.   ==17 Oct 2018 -Discord 2 == New folks be sure to  1) download the latest wallet - recognize that this is YOUR project - it’s open source and NOT controlled by any specific people - you can build on this and use it without permission! 2) start mining — with a gpu you can get some coins to use and reserve names with but even if not then it still helps the network  3) running a full mining node helps strengthen the coin and helps everyone
The first Ravencoin annual meeting will be in October in NH - prior 4) download testnet NOW and up to then there will be several updates, roadmap etc and an organized plan for core development as well as 2nd layer/ 3rd party development that could be useful mess with creating assets (!) this way you are ready for the projects overall development. :
So in other words we are working to release the roadmap type document (there might 5) be a better way ready to describe than white paper or roadmap)create real assets after mainnet launches on Oct 31 - you only get one shot at each asset name
In addition will work with many community members on ideas for6) register names you can use (if you register a brand name please consider giving it to the brand owner if they ask, this helps the network)
17) ways to imho best complete the core dev portions early tokens will be game and experiments - fun things — this is still early stage and experimental — will be ready for things like securities once lots of testing in the roadmap live world — don’t take unwise financial risks - this is the main protocol on github an experiment!- have fun and build something cool
== 05 Oct 2018 - Discord 2) 2nd layer solutions and how they can be useful (such as use of LN and atomic swaps with assets on the Ravencoin chain or getting solidity working on Ravencoin by using RSK)==
3The entire structure of ravencoin is VERY different from almost every other project — so it takes a lot of learningThanks to all who participate----the thing is that Ravencoin is a protocol not a company — this is why no partnerships -// not because they aren’t valuable but because they are not necessary Ravencoin doesn’t have partnerships with companies because 1) there’s no one to make such a partnership 2) support, networking and ideas for 3rd party and or commercial projects and development which might help or support the project companies and ecosystem (for example mobile wallets, gaming apps, securities token issuance and other tools)devs wanting to build on this don’t need anyone’s permission - they can just build
Any/ all This is a good model — imho it’s the best model----Finding the right balance of these 3 categories will be something anyone can contribute how much to and develop or use in any way they wish. Important talk about this project is hard----Software is allowed to note that YOU DO NOT NEED PERMISSION to develop for profit apps or commercial or non-commercial apps, products or services using this code and blockchainbe centralized. 😃
Anyone is welcome When people say this isn’t it’s not because they are lying to contribute to the code, build second layer solutions, experiment and / or build for profit apps on thispretend something — it’s because it’s accurate.
this The main misunderstanding seems to be that ravencoin is real open source and an exercise beyond even most of those projects in seeing how much collaboration can do. We are are all members of the team and everyone owns and participates fairly.controlled or directed by Medici or tZero
== 14 Mar 2018 - Telegram ==I think this chain makes a great base layer for other projects and tokens because it will be very flexible and easy to put other tools onIt’s just not the case
Polymath This isn’t some claim that someone is chain agnostictrying to make to comply with some rule — its the actual truth. Also there is no law that this would be relevant for — the idea that a company working on an open source project “makes it a security” is silly and it’s super insulting
So hopefully will work Whether raven is centrally controlled or has corporate involvement / oversight / investment etc do not make it a security anyway — that entire line of thinking is based on faulty logic and not understanding now Ravencoinworks or was issued
== 13 Mar 2018 Ravencoin was released for free exactly like Litecoin — because it was never sold it was not an offering Even if it had one person as a ceo and even if that one person worked for Medici it would not matter —- Discord ==still not a securityThis project is different ----my time doesn’t belong to you. Usually when people write articles and mention someone they get quotes from Cardano them and EOS and actually should work well with either of those platforms because both have planned check for something similar to atomic swaps accuracy first —- I do what I can to interact with assets like Bitcoingive accurate info.
== 12 Mar 2018 - Discord ==We should create educational materials that pool owners can provide to their users - some people are mining Ravencoin I waste hours on this and don't even know what the project only result is or its purpose. More information could be helpful.time wasted
 It is very difficult for a company to duplicate this type of community and the sheer hours and dedication of the participantsdoesn’t matter if something it centralized
open source has its own management built in - anyone can contribute and anyone can run the code or altered codeThat doesn’t make it a security
But look at A coin being centralized or controlled by a company matters when the resultscompany or coin raises money - a project like Raven is completely different
It's literally YOUR coin -- there’s nothing whatsoever “hinging” on that's — that’s crazy talk.  No reasonable or knowledgeable person I’ve heard of considers RVN a security. If they do then :shrug:‍♂️ Litecoin and Bitcoin would be as well. It’s insane ... no — not a marketing slogan that's the real truth at all. Ridiculous
This isn't owned by a company or centralized officeall stems from people who don’t understand securities
This discord IS There’s tons of info out thereNot sure why people assume a conspiracyThere’s no one “at the team!top” There’s no one “worried”  It’s REALLLY key to understand that this is an open source, decentralized project —- there is no person or people or corporation running it  There is no conspiracy etcPeople just work in their own interests
Well it's your team -- it's open source. All these people here are part of the team - especially the ones who've contributed code and >>>>Ravencoin is not an entity at all. I certainly don't plan on stopping and I don't think you could get the main devs to stop even if you tried<<<<
There are no coins set aside or preminedWhat matters is whether ravencoin can and does workEvery one came from mining
I had to acquire my Ravencoin same way as everyone elseCrap projects have an interest in promoting “partnerships” and stuff — actual protocols don’t
''(In reference (I have think) to Medici / Overstock / RVN)'' I’ve said 100 times that they aren’t related — even made videos about 3 mil Ravencoinit
People are so used to pitches and ICOs that they expect a pitch but it's not like that in a project like thisRvn is better than ever - amazing - one of the strongest projects ever
This coin is very widely distributed- Because raven isn’t like that and has isn’t a robust corporate project with “deals” and diverse mining community-- strong network“agreements” / joint ventures and that kind of ico crap
Everyone can contribute and every Ravencoin was originally acquired the same way: by fair miningMedici donates dev timeWhich is great  But people assume much more of a corporate tie  Which is a shame
This project is different because it's already more distributed and built with the intention of having no leaderNot a gift from MV
== 11 Mar 2018 - Discord ==
1) The algo was developed over probably a 3-6 mo time period by Tron Jesse and Joel they'd be able to tell you exact time
2) yes definitely there will be updates etc MV gifts some dev----Big difference----There’s an impression that tZero and raven fit together in coming monthssome special way or work together or that one platform is being designed for the other
The site is limited mostly ''(In reference to an article speculating on the connection between various OSTK / MV projects and RVN)'' thanks! I’m not a fan of the screen shot from discord — I’ve tried to make clear many times that the core code projects really are not related — that screen shot taken on its own and project -- out of the BitcoinTalk forum includes a lot more info context of its convo seems like pools I’m winking and mining software being coy or something imho Basically it was in reply to people who think the opposite: which is built by the communitythat tZero has nothing to do with rvn and will never list it because they are competitors or something Neither is true
== 10 Mar 2018 It’s really not a corporate coin - Discord ==Mining distributes and changes and goes up and down / existed before anyone at tZero heard of it and with each iteration makes before I joined the network stronger and places the nodes and coins in the hands of those most interested in the tech and projectboard
== 8 Mar 2018 - Discord ==Well the fork is an upgrade fork not a project fork --- so it's not going to result in 2 coins. Hard forks after this will depend There’s no team of folks at tZero working on lots of factors -- some things can only be done via hard fork - best way is as upgrades raven and with lots of notice and time it defiantly wasn’t designed by tZero or created for testing- Monero forks every six months for examplesome tZero purpose
the fork adds the capability to create assets on the chain - once added then thousands Yes but ostk owns a mess of assets can be created & stuff and there’s no new fork is needed for those no matter how complex or how manymajor direction from ostk to any portfolio cos to support ravencoin
ItTZero and ravencoin are much less related than people assume      == 23 Sept 2018 - Baltic Honeybadger 2018 Bitcoin conference ==Title: Global Ledgers: Scaling & Capacity for Legacy Securities Systems in the Age of Atomic Swaps Conference: Baltic Honeybadger 2018 Bitcoin conference, Riga, Sep 22-23 Bruce talks about the history of securities, it's healthy current problems, and block chain.  Talk at: Slides at: ---- Bruce Fenton (Discord): I didn’t mention Raven because as soon as you mention a specific product at certain events people stop listening and are closed minded Also so many people don’t even understand tokenized securities that it’s best to explain that first Once they understand this concept then Rvn makes more sense == 12 Sept 2018 - Telegram ==  Bruce Fenton:Because this is protocol development not something like an ICO scam  Ravencoin is a protocol — that’s it — it’s software There is NO ONE to “make announcements” or “sign partnerships” It’s open source - for all community members to contribute how they wish — this is a VERY VERY different model than centralized projects who did ICOs etc  If you are expecting centralized sales, marketing, announcements — that will never happen with this project and people should know that  What the project does do is focus on building secure and useful software— anyone can contribute and decide if they want to run that software == 25 Aug 2018 - Discord 2 == consensus works in open source by open discussion over what code to run ---- Everyone should contribute to the discussion There is no division between devs and non devs - there is no special authority who bestows the title “developer” - it’s just based on what code people run and who decides to run what they choose So we don’t say “just do what the devs say” because there are no specific “devs” with any official role - just people who have done a lot of work and implemented the vision in the paper Anyone can be a dev Anyone on this page can write code And call themselves a dev No one has authority over any other We the users and holders have the authority by deciding what code to run So if you say “trust the devs” the first question one needs to ask is “who? / which devs” The way to flush that out is by discussion Open and free discussion There’s also no special authority for multiple groups any other person - no ceo or founder or master node or author or dev has special power or authority ---- But main point is that this is open source — there is no authority ---- We don’t want to discussever discourage discussion — especially over security related issues 
We'd anticipate that some diverse communities will use the Ravencoin chain and capabilities -- example both banking and gaming.All this project is is a group of people choosing to run code based on what they think Ravencoin will be a great tool for issuing tokens means and financial assets. It will also be a great tool what code is effective for things like issuing a token for unique art and also for gaming. Lots of gaming apps. that definition — every person has the right to discuss what they think that vision is or means 
If this project succeeds we'd end up with the gaming folks and the banking folks probably having different conferences.
== 8 Mar 2018 - Discord ==
('' again a fair bit of chat between 8th and 7th Mar on Discord, captured what looked the most interesting, and skipped a fair bit '')
Messy The term hoi polloi is funny but it’s the price antithesis of what open source is about — there is no “commoners” or higher class of people  There’s no special category called developers  It’s not ideal to say that people should defer to devs — that’s got a lot of issues I can explain —  what if a new dev joins tomorrow and creates the code to change the supply to 5 trillion with an insta mine of 1 trillion to himself and burning all addresses bringing in R5? Would you pay say “stay in your lane, don’t discuss forks”? Of course not - it’s not what the coin is  It’s super relevant and key to discuss things like hard forks — any hard fork changes the consensus mechanism and the rules which everyone on the network previously agreed to  So it’s really a big responsibility for decentralizationevery user to know and care what all code changes are ---- There’s also a HUGE difference between non technical people discussing technical matters and overall DESIGN matters ---- You won’t see me talking specific code almost ever — it’s not my area of expertise  We could make But overall economics, functionality and design is an area of expertise I have for this coin — Andy one "super professional" person be can develop expertise and have opinions on the head direction — anyone can choose to listen or not - and run what they want based on a combo of all social media vision and Discord capabilities and functions with the specific code etc.  ---- Well this is why consensus is so important Just something to plan for — for the more one person controls future ----  We can all continually improve the more drawbacksquality of review of code changes Bitcoin Bitcoin system has worked best and that’s what Ravencoin is developed after ---- Bitcoin has made many leaps forward on this - there are lots of contributors and discussions ----And people will never agree anywayWho would want to be @name — well one thing is that there isn’t and shouldn’t be mediator much of disputes a line between miners “devs” and “the community” —- devs ARE the community and others etc.the community is devs in this project — there is no separate wall  ---- You don’t need to just “speak with a Bitcoin dev” you can BE a Bitcoin dev by simply submitting code Secret sauce of Bitcoin is no leaders No authority Consensus Same with Ravencoin-Yes ---- The system is working well as it is — I don’t see any problems at all — just giving thoughts on best practices and ideas for the future — there are plans several things we learned from this hard fork which can be improved on next time - mainly around communicating ---- There’s some bad habits from ICOS where people come in to make an org protocol projects looking for leaders or thinking a central authority makes all decisions ----It’s wise to plan for contentious forks ---- It’s wise to more formally support developmentplan for contentious forks ---- And have healthy debate over all changesAnyone can do that also btw----
== 7 Mar 2018 - Discord ==There's no centralized "boss" who can tell people what kind of discords to set up. People seem to have some impression that there is some "they" who can tell mods of a Discord channel what to do. If you set up a Discord channel no one will have any power to tell you what to do either.-----this is open source it's YOUR project. Are YOU willing to do the work to set up and run a Discord? If so then maybe people will join it.-----Anyone can make a new discord. If it's awesome then people will use it.-----Someone asked about forks via DM - there is Forks also present a planned upgrade fork in 8 months or so. It will be well planned, tested and announced in advance so everyone can easily update miners with plenty of time. This will add the asset creation capabilities into the protocol - it will not affect existing balances or addresses in any way and will not risk — every code change coin supply etc.-----the Overstock info was covered - definitely never said Overstock wasn't involved, I said it's not a tZero project and that it isn't the same group as the Wyoming people - ostk is involved in the sense that the CEO is presents a huge supporter and he and the pres possibility of Medici allow key employees to work on this project while on company time-----Caitlin and the Wyoming folks aren't involved in dev or anythingunforeseen consequences
== 6 Mar 14 Aug 2018 - Telegram ==(''Related to a question about the purpose of the coin, is it just a test for x16r'')
Bruce FentonChatturga:Please read the medium and watch The v2.0.3 binaries are available to download on the meetup - algo is only one partravencoin github. Overall coin will work Assuming that everything continues to help create run smoothly, and transfer assets on the chain-----Bruce Fenton:Yesno significant bugs need to be addressed, hard fork this is planned which the version that will add more capabilities -- it wonactivate DGW and BIP9/RIP2 consensus voting for the asset layer. The devs recommend updating to this version soon (before block 338778), with a particular emphasis toward pool owners and exchanges. I't be an airdrop - it will be in ll reach out to those people at the form end of an upgrade to the network that miners who wish day since the devs want to follow will need to update their binariesdo a bit more testing.
('' this has been mentioned in the first dev meet up to add token ability months away'')3
== 2 Mar 05 Aug 2018 - Discord Telegram ==''(lots of chat on [ discord] - some of what we've caught here misses the context, and a bit of chat was skipped, but hopefully caught the most interesting, if you want the detail go to [ discord] and find the chat)Tron ''
Ravencoin is a protocol platform for assets and will work with anybody's infrastructure. Additional requirements can always be added by exchanges, or issuers, but are not native to the asset protocol.
I'd love to take a sec and address some incorrect info and misconceptions----
Tron:You’re absolutely right. We are watching the issue closely. To put it in perspective though, our block times have been roughly 1- .5x the speed of BTC during the worst of it. We have already switched to DGW on testnet and Ravencoin is slated to move to DGW on mainnet at the end of October. Our primary concern is not the code, that’s already done. Soros afaik does Our primary concern is not own this coin allowing the chain to split. A chain split would cause far more damage and isn't involved confusion than 5 minute blocks. The diff swings are a result of being profitable, then not, then profitable again, in any wayan undamped oscillation. DGW will fix it, I doubt he's heard of but itrequires a hard fork where everyone must upgrade the software. This carries some risk.
2- this is not an Overstock corporate project, they are generous in supporting lots of open source projects and allowing employees to work on them on company or personal time - I'm on the board of Medici, this is how Patrick heard of Ravencoin (I told him at dinner in Boston) we are thrilled that they like the project and allow key devs to work on it --
3- this Tron:x16r is not a tZero projectthe hashing algorithm, and is not being built for tZero, different than the difficulty adjustment algorithm. It will still be x16r. The difficulty adjustment tries to make it so it's not the backend of tZero, there are is 1 minute blocks no discussions about this integrating or trading on tZero and as far as I know the tZero folks matter how many cpus/gpus are not even aware of mining. Currently it -- it's an entirely separate project-----Now as far as the whole community discord issues: -- adjusts by looking back 2016 blocks and making a lot of people are so used to scammy centralized ICOs that they might be new percentage adjustment to open source and not know how bring it worksinline. In open source everyone does what they want for their own interest be that intellectual curiosity There is a 4x limit, money or whateverwhich we are close to hitting. There are no rulers or CEOs and no one in the project works for other people It isn’t good but it shouldn’t get much worse.
When someone says "the devs should do__" or "the discord mod should do X" they are essentially saying "Hey, do work I want for free"
So for exampleTron:RVN will still be RVN. The problem is that anyone that doesn’t upgrade when the algo switches over, Kai is will be on a community member who made this channel different chain. Imagine the problems if CryptoBridge doesn’t upgrade, or Cryptopia, etc. and can do whatever he wantsthey have a different view.If he wants to convert A hard fork is just a software upgrade, but it to is really important that certain nodes upgrade. We have a channel to discuss managed upgrade already scheduled for the Xmen comics end of Oct that's his business. No one has the right to tell other people how to run things they create. They are welcome to create lets everyone decide on their own channel whether to upgrade and do what they wantwhen enough mining nodes have upgraded, it seamlessly switches over at a set percentage
Yes overstock owns Medici and I am on Tron:No, shorter block times aren’t the Medici boardproblem. They contribute Rentable hashpower, and multipools which auto-redirect hashpower to open source projects and generously allow key employees the most profitable coin makes it more difficult to work on this project and otherscalibrate. That’s what changed.
yes roadmap Tron:The longest chain is comingthe winner. We just need to make sure it is crystal clear which one that is. If we have 1/2 mining power on one chain and 1/2 on another, it gets murky. If that ever happens, just don’t transfer RVN during that time and you’ll be fine. And, if you’re mining, make sure you’re on the longest chain. 
This is the people's coinTron:DGW will go a long way towards that. It's more widely We actually want increased hashing, we just don’t want it coming and fairly distributed than any project I know of. That's hard for people to get used to. Especially when they are accustomed to dealing with ICO marketers who are trying to continually sell a product because they make money from it. All Raven going in the market was initially acquired the same way: by fair miningmulti-day intervals. So there isn't some centralized profit center driving artificial promotions.
one of the original ideas Tron:I had was don’t think miners using a pool will need to focus on RSK - Tron figured out better ways to accomplish what we needed but RSK remains an awesome project with tons of benefits for Ravencoin-- change anything. also it doesn't require core dev work because it can be built on top of Just make sure the chain -- so hopefully someone will develop that asap - we are focused on core protocol for nowpool you’re using has upgraded whenever the software is upgraded. Make sure you’re using the latest version to view/store/transfer your RVN. 
Would also be cool to see people mess with LN Tron:My understanding is that there was a Pull Request for RVN on the Ravencoin chainLedger. I don’t know if/when that will make it into production. 
like with Bitcoin the Github has authorized people Tron: meYes, Tronunix (linux), JesseMac, Cade can accept pull requestsand Windows.Also like Bitcoin people can We need to make their own implementations OR can do forkssure the client cross-compiles for all of them.Any miner can run what they choose
That's how Bitcoin and all other projects workTron:Yeah, there were some awful asset names. I don't know imagine that some of any other modelthe web explorers and asset marketplaces will want to run names through a filter.For foss
For the folks upset about the discord I'd definitely recommend reading The Cypherpunk Manifesto.
One Tron:There’s going to be lots of the most important overarching themes is that cypherpunks write codeinteresting opportunities. That's it - we aren't marketers or employees of people who speculate. We are making a project that we I think someone will be useful. That's it. No promises it will work. No guarantees of anything. In the Cypherpunk world you either write or run the code you like or you don't. It's that simple. If we as a community together build something awesome then it might have value in the world. We make no scammy ICO style promises about value etc. It's a completely different model from most new projects and takes a lot of understanding to get used to. Even today with Bitcoin over 9 years old many people don't understand the way development works in open sourcemarketplace for asset names.This literally is YOUR project. As Gavin Andresen said about Bitcoin "If you want to build something and are waiting for permission you have it, go build"
I'm not a coder either -- I found a technicalityTron: There’s really only one chain. The problem is that when you change the diff algo, then the version of the software using the old algo sees only old algo blocks as valid, and software using the Manifesto algo only sees new algo blocks as valid. The “real” one SHOULD be the new algo chain, but there’s no BOSS that says you have can’t run older software. So it is really up the users to upgrade and all agree to use the newer software. I can’t compel anyone to upgrade, but it would make economic sense for everyone to use the new software. We can write code -- software that doesn’t change the algorithm until it doesn't say you sees that most miners have to be good at it or even skilled. :)So if you wrote upgraded because we can put a line of HTML or programmed a Wordpress blog you are indeed a (basic) coder-- so that's easyversion number in the blocks and count the mined blocks. He harder part is understanding and embracing the Cypherpunk idealsThat’s what BIP9 does — Google it if you’re interested in how it works
We We’re hiring like crazy. Most of our hires are all coders which means for tZero, Medici, and Bitsy. If you’re a great developer, you should apply. Bruce is in NH and he visits Utah and we can all be Cypherpunksvisit him in NH
We cool now?Tron:Yes. I don’t know how trademark rules would apply. I fought two trademark battles where I felt I was in the right. I won one, and folded the other against a giant “perfect” word processing company. 
We plan annual meeting Tron:There is support for that. I’m not in October-/ meetups before then - there might be a cool farm we can use favor of that, in general, but it did make sense for a summer meetup in NHour asset hard fork.Definitely will be NH
We will also do meetups in UtahTron:I hope not, because I think it would devalue RVN, but it is certainly a possibility. Interestingly enough, anyone who had RVN before that fork would have RVN and RVC, but I still think it would would be a net negative overall. 
We plan Tron:Sometimes it is cheaper to have the ability mine, and sometimes it is cheaper to issue tokens be native buy. Right now it is cheaper to buy — until the protocoldiff adjusts. Not I wrote a smart contractpaper on how the two are interlinked. 
Bitcoin has the ability Tron:Bruce and I agree that it doesn’t need shilling. Eventually, we’ll need to let users issue tokens by using Omnilayer or Counterparty- Ravencoin more people know it exists and that it is building a platform they can build on this model and will have similar as well as more advanced features built in to , but that isn’t even true until the base codeend of October when assets activate on mainnet. 
It's Tron:If there’s a different way to approach the same problemRaven Classic, it probably wont have asset support. 
Ethereum ERC20 has been amazing - but this is a different type Tron:Yes, we would like RVN to continue to be viable cash. We hope it gets used for rewards (paying all holders of model based your token in RVN), and for on a different type of -chainatomic swaps (paying for assets with RVN where the trade happens all at once)
Tons of new use casesTron:I’m not 100% sure. It seems like we’re in a bear market — similar to 2014-2015. GamesSome of it is being sold to buy into RVN, securities tokens etcEOS, and ADA, or into ICOs which are still going strong outside the US. 
anonymous / privacy features are Tron:I agree - kinda dumb. It is a great idea completely arbitrary line. Enforce rules against outright fraud, but not first phase part of immediate roadmap let everyone invest their money any way they choose.
Ideally if there are ways that can be bolted on to the existing Bitcoin protocol which can improve privacy that would be an awesome thing for contributors to work on
Because if it works on Bitcoin it will work on Raven
There Tron:I think there will be 2 levels with sites listing assets for sale. We’ve put “forsale” and “forsale_price” keys in the metadata spec for this because there is Ravencoin reason. Brokers could scan the chain and there is the tokensmeta data to build a website for exchanging asset names.Ideally both will be totally private with opt in non-privacy features for those tokens who want to add aml or whatever
I'm very interested in seeing if tokens can be put into their own LN channels - we think it will be possibleTron: 
we had an in person meeting a few weeks agoTron:I will share the scripts to allow anyone to register any names they want. As roadmap is rolled out we will have more dev focused channels I’m excited to see what gets registered. 
Changing Tron:Sending assets will require a small RVN fee. I’d love to get rid of the way value is represented in the world is a worthy goalfee, but it opens up too many attacks that don’t cost anything. 
It's got nostalgia -- Tron:It’s been wonderful chatting with all of you. that wasn't done Thanks for fun your support of RVN. I’m working on some python scripts that’ll let you create batches of assets (though it is!with associated meta data) but because it worked for Bitcoin. Too many projects get away from thisa Google spreadsheet or csv. EVERYONE knows that founders shares and foundation tokens and premines and "friends and family" rounds are crap I’ll make them available next week for everyone to play with. No one denies that true fair, free and open source projects are better... yet we see 1500 ICOs because people are greedy or lazy. This model is a good one that increases chances of successIt’ll make it easier for anyone wanting to register multiple assets. If this had been done as an ICO we == 03 Aug 2018 - Telegram == ''d all have tens or hundreds of millions Some interesting posts from tron on paper telegram'' Tron:http://raven- but nothing close is stalled on an old block. Needs to this community and dev can be boughtswitched to: 
for legal items this is just open source code'' referring to testnet launch''Tron:Thanks. Tons of encryption messaging systems are open source --We had a few glitches that we're fixing, but overall it seems to be performing as expected.And a hash is different
This community gets stronger every day. We have cycles of newbies, idiots, scammers then true believers, geniuses, OGs and cypherpunksTron:Brace yourself. The later replace the former. We get stronger each day. It's an amazing community. Did you see how fast the chat changed once the new channel was created?No force in business or the global economy can match the power limits of a good open source project. Can you imagine if Kai and everyone else where employees of some centralized thing? It would never, ever be as robust and quick to adapt and changefree speech are being tested. FREEDOM!!!Raven the Trickster from myths and legends is a shapeshifter and creator who uses Ravens environment and surroundings to adapt and make new things. That spirt is a great embodiment of open source.
that was me -- I said that I like Bitcoin to be Bitcoin -- I'm early adopter and board member of Bitcoin Foundation
As a crypto user I want a strong chain to issue assets on -- Bitcoin is definitely a strong chain but it's devs are (and should be!) focused on being digital gold or digital cash or whatever. As a Bitcoin hodler and user I don't want Bitcoin devs to be messing about with optimizing for tokens -- that's hard enough.
So this is why a use case specific blockchain is a good idea maybe : it combines the strength and ridiculously awesome code base of Bitcoin with a dev community which is focused on optimizing the code for a different use.
The hope is that by providing this platform it builds into something with significant advantages over other chains.
== 2 Mar 2018 Tron:In the qt, go to Help- Telegram ==>Debug, then the console tab, and type listassets
I think the surprising aspect was how fast interest gained -- but one shouldn't mistake this as not having a plan or roadmap. This has been planned and thought about for years. Some of the key ways this is showing already are reflected in the strength of the network and number of nodes, users, community. As for funding, development is well funded, many people and companies have invested significantly into dev. The community has funded many significant parts of dev and is growing and stronger every day. The coin is less than 60 days old. The attention to this coin brings lots of good community strength and new devs, volunteers etc. one drawback is that publicity also brings people who don't care about the tech or want some sort of fast results or something. Development will take time--
I'd be interested in knowing which ones it doesn't fulfill. It is portable, fungible, divisible, durable, transferable, and limited. USD is 5 of those 6.
== 28 Feb 2018 - Telegram ==Tron:Michael Any wallet, explorer, exhange, etc. can use the .png. It likely will not be built into the reference client because we don't want to be downloading and showing the types of images that could be added. If you've looked at the list of assets created on testnet, you'll understand our concern.
Some additional ways ----'' referring to help Project Ravencoin facilitating adoption''Tron:Adoption - ease of use, cross platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, iOs, Android) , and the Ravencoin networksecure.
- Download the executables from GitHub for your OS (located in the binaries section) and run Raven-qt.exe--
- by running Tron:We hope assets will be tradable on decentralized exchanges. I think this will happen organically as soon as some real projects are using the Raven-attokens.exe wallet on every PC you own you automatically help strengthen the network
- join a pool and actively mine - this is especially effective if you have a powerful system with a gpu (so far Nvida)--
- if you know a developer ask Tron:Medici has investments in about 14 different companies. I expect some of them will be able to consider contributing use RVN, but RVN is not being developed in support of any particular project. It has larger ambitions to GitHub there will be more a platform for asset issuance with multi-OS support and more need for dev help as we gomuch easier to use than ERC20.
- talk about code, utility, building stuff and plans more than other external factors---Tron:Verhoven RVN should be a currency. We want it to have a value because phase 3 will allow paying token holders in RVN. Imagine a project that's profitable where the early supporters are rewarded (with RVN) based on the percentage of tokens they hold.
- if you know others interested in open source projects, maybe they will download the wallet, mine or contribute---
- share or post links Tron:I'm not allowed to ravencointalk about tZero and the twitter ravencoin
- review bounties and work to complete some---
- support Tron:I had experience with Counterparty, Mastercoin, colored coins, and open assets which had similar capabilities on top of Bitcoin. It was secure, but clunky because some bitcoin had to be sent with every asset, and the community bountiesfees became prohibitively high last year. We've been able to fix these issues because we can make adjustments that the core Bitcoin developers can't make.
- build independent apps on top of this chain (nearly everything that can or has been developed for Bitcoin from wallets to second layer projects to paper wallet generators can be implemented on the Ravencoin chain relatively easily) immediate advantages of this chain: low cost, fast 1 minute blocks, asic resistant, widely distributed---
- keep active in Tron:The ideas behind the project and using the community, share ideasblockchain for tokenizing assets came from Bruce Fenton, communicate and follow as well as the project's evolutionname and logo.
- read ---Tron:I'm in talks with the Cypherpunk Manifestoleadership and developers on that project. We've agreed that Ravencoin is great once they're tokenizing the land. First stages are about recording ownership and Ravencoin doesn't fit that use case as well.
- learn about tokenization of securities and protocols which move things value using blockchains---
- share what you learn with othersTron: make postsI've talked to lots of companies about their projects on RVN. Two game companies, blogsone tokenized real-estate company, videos and tutorialsa VC company that wants to do tokenized Reg A+ offerings.
This project belongs to you. There is no owner, there is no premine, no ICO, no special founders tokens sale or presale, there is no controller. It's yours...the early members of the community and others who join. We make from it what we put in.----
The Inuit, Tlinglit, Tahitian, Chukchi, Sioux and Tron:I created a crypto accounting system called CoinCPA -- look for the Haida among others call Raven the magical keeper of secrets, the trickster, friend of the First Men and Creator podcasts from 2014. I was an early employee of the WorldTzero. An idea or force able to shift, change and create something from nothing I'm a Tzero advisor. In open source the power I worked for crypto company out of the crowd can do amazing thingsHong Kong. Look at what we have accomplished in less than 60 short days: a fairly issued I've helped Spera, widely distributed coin with a very solid network and code bassBitsy which are portfolio companies of Medici Ventures.
This is your coin, whatever you put into it is what it becomes. This will be fun.----
I do have some coins. If anything bad happens to the Ravencoin chain, it will affect me personally.
== 26 Feb 2018 - Telegram =='' guest appearance from Tron here talking about the algo a little ''---
It isn't one algorithm each blocks exciting. It is 16 algorithms where 8 bytes (16 nibbles) determine the order I'm a huge fan of everything that's happening in the hashingcrypto space. I think the Ravencoin community is the best! 16 algos are used in I feel honored and blessed to be a chain every block. The order part of those 16 algos are detemined by the hash of the previous block which is unpredictableproject. I really want it to succeed
'' in reference to some significant purchases seen recently on cb ''
TheyI can say for certain it isn't me. It really don't think it's Patrick. I don't think it's Bruce, but I don'd need t know that. ==31 July 2018 - Discord 2 == Reminder: careful using testnet and wallets etc - someone WILL lose money because they get confused, send real coins to the wrong place only use if you know what you are doing :smiley: ----I propose that we as a community voluntarily white hat any major names like Google -/ hopefully if the real Google wants to use it the community member will give it to them at cost — but that’s optional of course----There isn’t any way to pre-reserve or verify names----But we can cooperate to register good ones---- No first dibs :smiley:----White hats racing against squatters ----Testnet will give people a chance to see what has been built and will also allow more contributors to easily contribute and do security testing because the code is published and everyone can be on the same page  Testnet also allows 2nd and third layer developers to see how the protocol works and build and test apps  Since the network was built first with ravencoin we already have a massive head start when mainnet is launched (versus if the network genesis and the asset layer were launched together) This means that since racencoin already has tons of users, community members and interested parties the usability of the asset layer capabilities increases  There are a lot of us in the community who can test and build on this protocol  So - when mainnet launches :rocket: there will be a lot of people ready to handle 16 algos jumpstart that network and adapt build on it  I predict a lot of asset names reserved right away (it will be like domain registration races / land grab) When mainnet is launched people will be able to immediately create real assets which will be verified by the ravencoin blockchain  == 29 July 2018 - Discord 2 == We had mini raven sculptures hidden all around the Satoshi Roundtable == 14 July 2018 - Discord 2 == Ravencoin as a real open source & fair launched project will never have the captive marketing budget of an ICO — but those projects will never have the tech depth or scalability that the order Ravencoin protocol has. ----Icos as we know them will not be as big as securities tokens == 12 July 2018 - Discord 2 == The dlr is a different thing - it’s a specific tool to help crypto interface with existing wall st touting systems  Aside from this Tzero is also an exchange which will trade security tokens ==11 July 2018 - Discord 2 == Just one solid exchange would be very relevant ---- Rvn took a path more like BTC or ltc ---- I think an exchange will happen ---- There actually is a lot of raven marketing - it’s all pretty much done by volunteer community members bits be trippin etc ---- I think Tzero hasn’t announced exactly how they will make listing decisions — there will be lots of factors  Rvn could be appealing to any exchange because it has high interest and volume and is not a security and also its code base is based on Bitcoin so well understood  Rvn is an especially natural fit for exchanges focusing on securities tokens == 11 July 2018 - Discord 2 == From @Chatturga Hello, everyone. I bring exciting news about the asset layer! Assuming that everything goes smoothly, the binaries to test the asset layer on testnet will be available for download on July 30th. Additionally, the target date for mainnet release has been tentatively set for October 31st. These dates give the community time to find any issues and for PR's to be processed - with October 31st also being the hash 1 year anniversary of the first Medium article about Ravencoin. == 3 July 2018 - Discord 2 == Have I mentioned that this is Game of Thrones? GAME OF THRONES! This space is very treacherous and risky - there is a ton of uncertainty. A coin claiming they will “beat Bitcoin” is not credible — neither is it credible to say Bitcoin has a 100% chance of being both global money and the previous blockrails for all tokens with zero exceptions. It isn't ASIC proof There are a few possible outcomes: 1) Bitcoin becomes the only chain, all projects become sidechains on Bitcoin - RVN and ALL other coins/ projects die completely (possible but unlikely / not certain enough to bet on 100%) 2) Bitcoin dies, other coin or coins / projects serve that need (unlikely)  3) Bitcoin becomes important money and important chain for tokens but other projects survive and serve large or niche markets 3a Raven is one of these survivors 3b it isn’t (This is the most likely scenario imho of the 3 — even if I felt an 80% chance of option 1 then it would still be prudent to support other coins in case BTC fails or in case any can develop a niche which serves one area better than BTC) ----- So if someone option 3 occurred and raven survived then it could be used in even a “small” niche of the possibly deca trillion dollar token market and end up being very important. Cross chain atomic swaps and lots of other things will make cooperation between projects make sense — LTC is a good example - the project has never tried to be at odds with Bitcoin. Bitcoin was always going to do tokens — that a HQ co like Blockstream is working on this is exciting and validated the entire idea.Just a month ago all the best “experts” were saying that tokens couldn’t be put on Bitcoin or a fork of Bitcoin — this is specifically why I always used Bitcoin not raven in the periscope video examples on security tokens. When we did these demos everyone laughed — well now the smartest devs in the space are doing what we’ve been working on for a while as well (Blockstream has worked on this a long time too) It will be great if both Bitcoin and Raven serve markets in tokens successfully - there are certainly plenty of ways that can work — I also think other projects like ada and eos will have a good chance of surviving and several platforms will thrive for different reasons. Anyway — being that this is Game of Thrones and in the grand timeline of global money and blockchains - we are early in season 1 ... it’s a good time to create such be supportive of all projects and focus on building great tech rather than “beating” someone.Also — most importantly — Blockstream is NOT a competitor of Raven - Blockstream is a company with investors and some top devs and products etc. - Ravencoin is an idea and some code / software which generates a thingscare digital asset. So back to the Blockstream announcement  ...If this is Game of Thrones here we are over at Raven Tower okay — and Adam Back is like the Maester from Fort Block — he just moved in and says he wants to fight white walkers with the weapon he’s been working on — Okay I could go on :joy:... But seriously, then we'd change Blockstream is not an enemy to this project - that’s absurd - they are awesome people and high quality cypherpunks and some algoof the smartest people in the industry.  The “competitor” isn’t Blockstream it’s Bitcoin (for tokens!) — obviously Bitcoin is the strongest chain and it’s very unlikely raven would replace it — that was never the goal, point or change idea (at least from my personal POV or imho)- the better competitor is ETH who actually has serious weaknesses.  Goal as I’ve always personally seen it is to work on this specific use case on a PROTOCOL level to see if it develops advantages overall — it has had some since day one —  Just build good stuff and keep focusing  If you want to attack someone ETH is a better target but even those folks are pretty cool — better to hope the rising tide lifts all boats!! ----- Yeah no one should care so much what I say — centralized authorities are bad  I love this coin and project and community — this is why I’ve given what I think is a fair share of free work to the order starting project — but my activity shouldn’t be so relevant (and neither should anyone else’s) ----- I don’t see it as competition and even if so it would be silly to claim this chain is stronger than Bitcoin - imho far smarter way to look at block X things is the way LTC and to a lesser extent cardano does: we are all in the same ecosystem ----- I’ve supported raven as best I can and will continue to — I’ve done about 15 speeches and a hundred tweets and 12 interviews and I’ve received death threats and nearly daily criticisms and accusations of being a scammer / pumper because of being such a vocal supporter — I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of my own money on support of raven — I’ve taken time from my family to fly to meet devs and I’ve spent hundreds of hours on everything from writing and research to design to chatting in forums or answering questions. I receive zero pay and zero special coins or bonus for any work or commentary I do on Raven —Every hour I spend on Raven is uncompensated and I have to skip other paying work to do -  If people think it’s not enough or can do better then by all means hopefully they can step up and be spokespeople also — I offered to allow help others do so a while ago & will make more ppt etc when I can ----- Asset layer test net should be out in July ----- Blockstream moving into this is great news for the overall ecosystem ----- It’s a $40 trillion market ----- Personally I see it as very different ----- Raven is open sourceIf you want to compete with a company you canOr use the code and software how you choose == 2nd July 2018 - Discord 2 == I have over 150,000 social media followers and announced Raven to over 2000 conference attendees at crypto conferences including Miami BTC and Texas Bitcoin Conference It was posted by many others aside from me and retweeted and reposted by many others  We had 4500 miners within a week and the network grew so fast that solo mining and cpu rigs were obsolete within two weeks To claim that no one was on the network and that some secret miner dominated the mining is preposterous and easily provably false  In the very earliest days the network was widely distributed — the three largest miners (Overstock / Medici and three parties I don’t know who they are) each never reached more than 10-15% of hash power —- and that was only for a short few weeks or so in the earlier days  Since then the math can easily show that for anyone to have significant network power they would have to spend a significant amount on GPU rigs — the math & metrics behind this are trivial for anyone with a basic understanding of mining and crypto  It is simply impossible to have had a special advantage on the launch - all anyone could have possibly done is what early miners did:: take a big risk on early equipment-/  No one had any advantage whatsoever and there was absolutely no premine or set aside or insta mine at all  This is what is great about this tech - a blockchain is provableI guess at the ravencoin annual meeting we can ask early miners to be changed. ASICs raise hands ----- Blockstream is a company — raven is a protocol We are not welcome.competing with Blockstream == Older Posts == [[Fenton Files: April 2018 - June 2018]] [[Fenton Files: start - March 2018]]

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