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1,522 bytes added ,  22:19, 14 March 2018
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== 15 Mar 2018 - Telegram ==
Bruce Fenton:
Still working on roadmap & best way to communicate ideas and info --
The first Ravencoin annual meeting will be in October in NH - prior and up to then there will be several updates, roadmap etc and an organized plan for core development as well as 2nd layer/ 3rd party development that could be useful for the projects overall development.
So in other words we are working to release the roadmap type document (there might be a better way to describe than white paper or roadmap)
In addition will work with many community members on ideas for
1) ways to best complete the core dev portions of the roadmap - this is the main protocol on github
2) 2nd layer solutions and how they can be useful (such as use of LN and atomic swaps with assets on the Ravencoin chain or getting solidity working on Ravencoin by using RSK)
3) support, networking and ideas for 3rd party and or commercial projects and development which might help or support the project and ecosystem (for example mobile wallets, gaming apps, securities token issuance and other tools)
Any/ all of these 3 categories will be something anyone can contribute to and develop or use in any way they wish. Important to note that YOU DO NOT NEED PERMISSION to develop for profit apps or commercial or non-commercial apps, products or services using this code and blockchain. 😃
Anyone is welcome to contribute to the code, build second layer solutions, experiment and / or build for profit apps on this.
== 14 Mar 2018 - Telegram ==

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