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6,928 bytes added ,  13:31, 2 March 2018
no edit summary
== 2 Mar 2018 ==
(lots of chat - some of this misses the context, and a bit of chat was skipped, but hopefully caught the most interesting, if you want the detail go to discord and find the chat)
I'd love to take a sec and address some incorrect info and misconceptions
1- Soros afaik does not own this coin and isn't involved in any way, I doubt he's heard of it
2- this is not an Overstock corporate project, they are generous in supporting lots of open source projects and allowing employees to work on them on company or personal time - I'm on the board of Medici, this is how Patrick heard of Ravencoin (I told him at dinner in Boston) we are thrilled that they like the project and allow key devs to work on it -
3- this is not a tZero project, is not being built for tZero, it's not the backend of tZero, there are no discussions about this integrating or trading on tZero and as far as I know the tZero folks are not even aware of it -- it's an entirely separate project
Now as far as the whole community discord issues: -- a lot of people are so used to scammy centralized ICOs that they might be new to open source and not know how it works.
In open source everyone does what they want for their own interest be that intellectual curiosity, money or whatever.
There are no rulers or CEOs and no one in the project works for other people.
When someone says "the devs should do__" or "the discord mod should do X" they are essentially saying "Hey, do work I want for free"
So for example, Kai is a community member who made this channel and can do whatever he wants.
If he wants to convert it to a channel to discuss the Xmen comics that's his business.
No one has the right to tell other people how to run things they create. They are welcome to create their own channel and do what they want.
Yes overstock owns Medici and I am on the Medici board. They contribute to open source projects and generously allow key employees to work on this project and others
yes roadmap is coming
This is the people's coin. It's more widely and fairly distributed than any project I know of. That's hard for people to get used to. Especially when they are accustomed to dealing with ICO marketers who are trying to continually sell a product because they make money from it.
All Raven in the market was initially acquired the same way: by fair mining.
So there isn't some centralized profit center driving artificial promotions.
one of the original ideas I had was to focus on RSK - Tron figured out better ways to accomplish what we needed but RSK remains an awesome project with tons of benefits for Ravencoin-- also it doesn't require core dev work because it can be built on top of the chain -- so hopefully someone will develop that asap - we are focused on core protocol for now
Would also be cool to see people mess with LN on the Ravencoin chain
like with Bitcoin the Github has authorized people : me, Tron, Jesse, Cade can accept pull requests.
Also like Bitcoin people can make their own implementations OR can do forks
Any miner can run what they choose
That's how Bitcoin and all other projects work. I don't know of any other model
For foss
For the folks upset about the discord I'd definitely recommend reading The Cypherpunk Manifesto.
One of the most important overarching themes is that cypherpunks write code. That's it - we aren't marketers or employees of people who speculate. We are making a project that we think will be useful. That's it. No promises it will work. No guarantees of anything. In the Cypherpunk world you either write or run the code you like or you don't. It's that simple.
If we as a community together build something awesome then it might have value in the world. We make no scammy ICO style promises about value etc.
It's a completely different model from most new projects and takes a lot of understanding to get used to. Even today with Bitcoin over 9 years old many people don't understand the way development works in open source.
This literally is YOUR project. As Gavin Andresen said about Bitcoin "If you want to build something and are waiting for permission you have it, go build"
I'm not a coder either -- I found a technicality: the Manifesto says you have to write code -- it doesn't say you have to be good at it or even skilled. :)
So if you wrote a line of HTML or programmed a Wordpress blog you are indeed a (basic) coder-- so that's easy. He harder part is understanding and embracing the Cypherpunk ideals.
We are all coders which means we can all be Cypherpunks.
We cool now?
We plan annual meeting in October-/ meetups before then - there might be a cool farm we can use for a summer meetup in NH
Definitely will be NH
We will also do meetups in Utah
We plan to have the ability to issue tokens be native to the protocol. Not a smart contract
Bitcoin has the ability to let users issue tokens by using Omnilayer or Counterparty- Ravencoin is building on this model and will have similar as well as more advanced features built in to the base code
It's a different way to approach the same problem
Ethereum ERC20 has been amazing - but this is a different type of model based on a different type of chain.
Tons of new use cases. Games, securities tokens etc
anonymous / privacy features are a great idea but not first phase part of immediate roadmap
Ideally if there are ways that can be bolted on to the existing Bitcoin protocol which can improve privacy that would be an awesome thing for contributors to work on
Because if it works on Bitcoin it will work on Raven
There will be 2 levels with this because there is Ravencoin and there is the tokens
Ideally both will be totally private with opt in non-privacy features for those tokens who want to add aml or whatever
I'm very interested in seeing if tokens can be put into their own LN channels - we think it will be possible
we had an in person meeting a few weeks ago. As roadmap is rolled out we will have more dev focused channels
Changing the way value is represented in the world is a worthy goal
It's got nostalgia -- that wasn't done for fun (though it is!) but because it worked for Bitcoin. Too many projects get away from this. EVERYONE knows that founders shares and foundation tokens and premines and "friends and family" rounds are crap. No one denies that true fair, free and open source projects are better... yet we see 1500 ICOs because people are greedy or lazy. This model is a good one that increases chances of success.
If this had been done as an ICO we'd all have tens or hundreds of millions on paper - but nothing close to this community and dev can be bought.
for legal items this is just open source code. Tons of encryption messaging systems are open source --
And a hash is different
== 2 Mar 2018 - Telegram ==

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