= Introduction =Ravencoin is an open source project. Unlike other projects, most of the content about Ravencoin is community generated and managed. There are limited "official" websites and chats, the core dev team are only really focused on the software, with the community building other tools and projects.
There are limited ''"official" websites Through systems that let people have their opinions heard, we can have healthy debates, constructive criticism, and chats, the core dev team are only really focused discover new perspectives. We won't all agree on every detail as our community moves forward. But we ALL want RVN to succeed in the software, with long run. Working together we will find the community building other tools and projectsway. "'' -Pathfinder
= Ravencoin Core Team Managed =
| Discord Admins
| [https://discord.gg/CXkJcC3 Raven Discord- Ravencoin Community] | Ravencoin Community Discord| Discord Admins|-| [https://discord.gg/uh6PrWh Discord - Raven] | Raven Discord| Discord Admins|-| [https://discord.gg/fVymYST - Ravencoin (RVN) Lounge] | Ravencoin (RVN) Lounge
| Discord Admins
| /r/Ravencoin subreddit
| linky#6010
| [https://www.reddit.com/r/rvn/ /r/rvn]
| /r/rvn subreddit
| /u/_____BW_____
| [https://www.rvnstats.info Rvnstats.info]
If you'd like to help edit here, please [https://raven.wiki/w/index.php?title=Special:CreateAccount&returnto=RavenCoin+Wiki register] and then chat with mapple#3283 on [https://discordappdiscord.comgg/invite/M9hUESq discordjn6uhur Ravencoin Community Discord].