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1,923 bytes added ,  10:26, 4 July 2018
If you want to attack someone ETH is a better target but even those folks are pretty cool — better to hope the rising tide lifts all boats!!
Yeah no one should care so much what I say — centralized authorities are bad
I love this coin and project and community — this is why I’ve given what I think is a fair share of free work to the project — but my activity shouldn’t be so relevant (and neither should anyone else’s)
I don’t see it as competition and even if so it would be silly to claim this chain is stronger than Bitcoin - imho far smarter way to look at things is the way LTC and to a lesser extent cardano does: we are all in the same ecosystem
I’ve supported raven as best I can and will continue to — I’ve done about 15 speeches and a hundred tweets and 12 interviews and I’ve received death threats and nearly daily criticisms and accusations of being a scammer / pumper because of being such a vocal supporter — I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of my own money on support of raven — I’ve taken time from my family to fly to meet devs and I’ve spent hundreds of hours on everything from writing and research to design to chatting in forums or answering questions.
I receive zero pay and zero special coins or bonus for any work or commentary I do on Raven —
Every hour I spend on Raven is uncompensated and I have to skip other paying work to do -
If people think it’s not enough or can do better then by all means hopefully they can step up and be spokespeople also — I offered to help others do so a while ago & will make more ppt etc when I can
Asset layer test net should be out in July
Blockstream moving into this is great news for the overall ecosystem
It’s a $40 trillion market
Personally I see it as very different
Raven is open source
If you want to compete with a company you can
Or use the code and software how you choose
Blockstream is a company — raven is a protocol
We are not competing with Blockstream
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