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1,404 bytes added ,  23:33, 5 April 2018
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== 5 Apr 2018 - Discord 2 ==
It's great for people who want to do more -- if you are a hard working C++ dev you could end up having a massive effect on the code.
Someone asked if Ravencoin could "support ___effort"
The answer to every one of these questions is the same -- no because "Ravencoin" is not a centralized entity able to issue press releases or sign agreements or "support" anything --- it's just the name of the idea and code that a community is mining, developing or discussing.
Individual people are all that can act in a decentralized open source system -- nothing is fully decentralized but this is the aim we strive for.
Ravencoin has no ability to support actions or do anything because it's not an entity -- it's the name of an idea and code that the miners, developers and other community members generally agree on the purpose and structure of.
That sounds unusual or idealistic or phony to many - I get it, but it's actually the best way to develop
The main code is on a great track -- one huge area of opportunity is getting volunteer devs to work on second layer projects
RSK would be an awesome on
LN another
These don't need permission from anyone for someone to work on -/ devs can all communicate
We need RSK & Solidity devs -- that capability can be worked on alongside the planned upgrade fork -- it would add a lot of capabilities to this protocol
== 4 Apr 2018 - Discord 2 ==

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