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367 bytes added ,  23:37, 22 March 2018
For UX on the tech side, once the roadmap is out it will be easier for people to cooperate -- one key feature of the protocol is in the process of creating assets -- since this will be protocol level and not a smart contract, a UX that directly allows users to interact with the tools and chain is key -- just like the wallet but it will need to be much more advanced -- we also don't have a tool to copy from Bitcoin on this as here is an area where Ravencoin code becomes unique
So my back of the napkin based on the above numbers is that $25 million in equipment would be required to attempt a 51% attack. That's pretty good for a 10 week old coin!
It's amazing to see so many people from so many walks of life spending time and resources to secure this network -- it's awesome.
Issuers of tokens will be able to message holders
== 21 Mar 2018 - Telegram ==

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